Thanks to an email from a good friend, Ana Correa of Red Consultancy, I discovered that YouTube and the Guggenheim are collaborating on a very exciting project to embrace budding video artists. You can read the full article here, which appeared in the Art & Design section of The New York Times.
The project can be seen at I applaud this amazing project for not only its brilliance and contribution to the arts, but also how the people at Guggenheim are keeping their brand fresh by embracing budding video artists and collaborating with social media.
When you dwell on the fast-paced world of marketing, with all its dynamic and aesthetic qualities, accountants and accounting firms are not the first thought that comes to mind. But in actual fact, B2B financial services is one of the most deficient fields in regards to effective marketing, despite the huge need for their invaluable services that the offer the B2B market.
With the changing face of B2B marketing in today’s economy, coupled with new options in social networking web sites, accountants will need to adapt and utilize new internet marketing tools in marketing accountant services that they offer.
The accounting industry has been slow to embrace social networking, but Andrew Leck, who is the head of ACCA UK, views accountants taking a proactive approach in these trouble economic times. In an online article of 17 May 2010, Mr. Leck stated:
As a fan of social media, I’ve always tested out the new social networks, new web 2.0 apps, any equipment or software that would put me in better and faster communication with the world.
I used the Flock browser for a while a few years ago, and liked the way I could blog directly from the browser and drag my flickr photos straight into my blog posts. Plus I had a friend who worked at Flock, so that always made it cool to use their browser, wear my Flockstar tshirt, etc.
Recessions and tough times are good for marketing opportunities. But unfortunately most business professionals, entrepreneurs and even marketing experts have a counter-intuitive reaction to this statement. You know the old saying, “Buy low, sell high.” There is a corollary to this adage in marketing: “Economy soft, market hard.”
McIntosh Marketing’s Chief Brand Officer, Edwin Dearborn, has authored a new white paper titled, Using Social Media to Effectively Market Your Brand, Developing A Common Sense Plan. It is being broadly issued for its first time. Here is the link: SEO White Paper
This white paper details how to develop a common sense plan for any business on how to use social media to effectively develop a powerful presence on the web. This white paper also provides key web marketing tips that any business can utilize and implement to become more comprehensive, effective and thus more profitable through internet marketing tools.
According to Comscore, there was 15.9 billion searches in May in the US with Google getting 10.2 billion searches (2% increase) while Yahoo got 2.9 billion searches (6% increase) and Bing got 1.9 billion (up 6% increase). While Google is still in the lead, you might notice that Yahoo and Bing are on the rise, benefiting from their recent search alliance.