Facebook is now generating more user traffic than Google. YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the internet. 80% of companies use LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees. A US Department of Education study revealed that on average, online students out performed those receiving face-to-face instruction. Generation Y and Z consider e-mail passé. In fact, In 2009 Boston College stopped distributing e-mail addresses to incoming freshmen.
- There are over 200 million Blogs
Tags: b2b, b2b marketing, Edwin Dearborn, social media
You may have never heard of John Caples, but the biggest name in advertising history, David Ogilvy, considers him to be the author of the most useful book Mr. Ogilvy had ever read on the subject. In fact, it just may be the best book ever written on the fundamentals of copy writing meant to sell. That archetypal book is entitled, Tested Advertising Methods, which is now in its fifth edition.
Tags: best book, blogger, content writer, Edwin Dearborn, john caples, john caples international awards, professional blogger, SEO, seo writer, writer
A link is a way for a web user to travel to different pages across the internet. Most often, a link is some text that you can click in order to go to another page within the site you are on, or to a page on another website. Images and videos can also be links, and clicking on these will also take you to other pages on the web.
Tags: anchor tag, anchor text, backlinks, linking, links, reciprocal links
A highly effective way to become an author, and thus building yourself as a thought leader in your field, is to publish your book as an EBook. In an article titled, 30 Benefits of Ebooks, the advantages our not only cost-effective, but some recent predictions in the publishing industry indicate that by 2012, 25% of the book market will be purchasing their next read electronically.
Tags: crisis by design, ebook, economic crisis, ereaders, ipad, kindle, nook, world economy
The world of social media can be so daunting that the task to get motivated and to persist in the first 6 months to a year is the most challenging task for the neophyte. One could comment here on tactics, but the skills of the “How To” in social media will take time to learn, develop and to perfect. I take that back. To be excellent, you will always be learning, if you want to stay ahead, and even then perfection is never truly reached. Social media marketing, like life itself, is a journey, not a destination.
Tags: Edwin Dearborn, get motivated, motivated, social media, using social media
Let’s admit it, there are times that no words can describe something. This is a blogging nightmare, or for that matter, the ageless curse of the writer. As a blogger, consider adding video production to your skill sets. Or at least, befriend someone who does posses video making and editing abilities.
Maybe your next purchase should not be an iPad or new Mac, but a flip camera. Maybe you need to expand your horizons as a purveyor of original content, by being, well . . . . . original.
Tags: blog, blogger, no words, vlogger
BP is a prime example of what not to be and what not to say when you screw up at Biblical proportions.
No amount of social media tactics or reputation management will cover up when you really don’t care. Tony Hayward is hopefully the last of a dying breed: uncompassionate CEO’s who cannot conceive of anything more important than the next quarterly report to the investors.
Tags: bp, Edwin Dearborn, pr, tony hayward
While BP struggles with the citizens of the Gulf Coast to survive the America’s worst environmental disaster, BP is also attempting to stage a reputation management onslaught with the help of Google and Yahoo, via purchased keywords.
When American’s type in these keywords, “oil spill” on Google or Yahoo, each of their page one results will direct one’s attention to BP’s “Gulf of Mexico response”, their official page spinning BP’s version of their attempts in controlling this epic spill.
Tags: bp, google, keywords, reputation management, yahoo
Jerry Brown and social media are both getting older and wiser. Let the games begin.
The latest is “What has Jerry Brown done to you?”
A whole new generation of Gen X, Y and Z may not be old enough to appreciate the brand called “Jerry Brown”, but a group of Republicans are now raging the political war to oust any ability for Jerry Brown to redefine the facts as Jerry would like us to remember or understand.
Tags: bp, jerry brown, republican, social media
Although I have had the pleasure to read many helpful books on marketing, this is my first book review on our company blog. And I am quite happy to announce that I had a great time reading Halligan & Shah’s newest book entitled, Inbound Marketing: Get Found using Google, Social Media and Blogs. The foreward was written by internet marketing author David Meerman Scott, so I knew that I was in for a treat.
Tags: b2b, b2b marketing, blogs, Book Review, Edwin Dearborn, google, hubspot, inbound marketing, marketing, social media