Madison Avenue must be reeling at the fast changes within our media world. How could they have predicted the sheer transformation of how YouTube, social media and the worldwide dominance of the celebrity mentality would shape how we market.
Tags: brand, celebrity, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, global community, madison avenue, nike, nike advert, ronaldo, ronaldo video, soccer, social media, viral marketing, youtube
For those who are just starting out blogging, or want to start, you are not alone in your quest to find your voice, as well as reach out to a growing audience of blog followers.
No other single medium is more challenging and yet rewarding. To blog successfully one must be humble and to understand the rules, written and unwritten, as well as be persistent. There is no other easy way to become successful than to simply commit to the process and be consistent in one’s writing efforts.
Tags: blog, blogging, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, free blog, mcintosh marketing, plugins, tutorial video, wordpress, wordpress tutorial, wordpress tutorial video
You just have to love how mainstream media is now utilizing online buzz to generate their own stories. Moreover, Ellen Degeneres recently demonstrated to all of us a powerful way to spin that buzz, even becoming a part of that craze.
Tags: blog, brand, creativity, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, ellen, elllen degeneres, greyson, greyson chance, lady gaga, paparazzi, social media, video, youtube
It has been a long known that precise market research is the heart and soul of successful marketing. Without research, you are not only going at your online efforts utterly blindfolded, but also wasting your valuable funds. Moreover, you will see much less ROI from your marketing dollar.
Tags: blogs, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, entrepreneur, market research, marketing, research, roi, start-ups, success, survey
The key to organic internet marketing success is to do the right things right, and to do them consistently. Now this may seem to an oversimplification or even overused. But from our experience of speaking with over 300 companies in the last six months, we have found over 90% of businesses with web sites violating this simple mantra. Here are some things you must do to generate more success:
- Put the keywords, no more than 8, in the Title tag.
Tags: article marketing, blog, business success, directories, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, keyword, organic internet marketing, press release, SEO, social media, web marketing
I have always been a fan of Sun Tzu’s treatise, The Art Of War. But when I recently watched the History Channel’s presentation on this world-renowned book, it made me think how most businesses do not apply it.
Tags: art of war, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, guerilla marketing, history channel, internet marketing, james clavell, local internet marketing, sem, SEO, sun tzu, web site
You must follow certain rules in writing a good Google Ad. Many people have made the mistake of stuffing keywords to find out that this strategy can be costly by attracting the wrong types of public who are not inclined to buy or take action.
From our experience with Google AdWords, SEO and SEM, these are key points to follow:
- Your grammar, spelling and punctuation must be perfect. Capitalize the first word in each sentence.
Tags: call to action, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, google, google ads, hot buttons, keywords, profits, sem, SEO, strategy, url, website
The Big Three has meant for decades, “GM, Ford and Chrysler”. But with their problems comes the next evolution of that term, particularly when talking about web marketing, SEO and SEM.
The Big Three in the internet marketing world is Facebook, Google and YouTube. Make it big with these three media giants and you will make it big in business. Let’s be real. Facebook is social media, Google is how you find almost anything and YouTube is the new TV. Hopefully you are gearing your mind-set, your marketing budget and how you interface with the world’s newest Big Three.
Tags: big three, chrysler, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, facebook, ford, gm, google, internet, internet marketing, marketing, marketing budget, mind set, sem, SEO, social media, tv, twitter, youtube
I know what most are thinking right now, “A blog is not a web site.”
Yes it is. In fact, for small businesses and entrepreneurs a blog really is the most ideal format in which to have your web site. But more than that, a bog as your web site puts you in control of the most important battle in web marketing: Generating original and relevant content.
Tags: blog, blogger, blogging, business, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, entrepeneurs, facebook, marketing, pr, search engines, SEO, small business, social media, web site, wordpress,
Even though Kodak did not invent the camera, they sure did have generations believing so. Special times became known as the “Kodak Moment.” Now with the proliferation of video technology and accessibility, Kodak film is long dead and now we live in a YouTube world.
Tags: brand, consumer, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, kodak, media, medium, position, us magazine, video, youtube