If you are up on marketing and sales management, then there is no introduction needed for either Seth Godin or Tom Peters. Both are not only accomplished authors with millions of followers, but both are as well committed to educating others on how to excel in marketing, blogging and social media. They both understand the advantages of blogging and the future of blogging
Tags: advantages of blogging, blogging, future of blogging, marketing, profits, sales management, seth godin, social media, tom peters, youtube
It has been a long known that precise market research is the heart and soul of successful marketing. Without research, you are not only going at your online efforts utterly blindfolded, but also wasting your valuable funds. Moreover, you will see much less ROI from your marketing dollar.
Tags: blogs, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, entrepreneur, market research, marketing, research, roi, start-ups, success, survey
Although there are a million ways to market your products incorrectly, the big mistake I see is to forget that your public are humans and fail to build relationships with them.
Making 5,000 “friends” on a social network like Twitter or Facebook is a good idea. But if all you do is send them bulk advertising messages, it’s not going to work. You’re dealing with live people who have interests and ideas and opinions. The more you find out what is needed and wanted and deliver THAT, the better off you’ll be.
Tags: advertising, facebook, internet business, marketing, marketing campaign, marketing plan, Online Communities, online marketing strategies, Social network, twitter
The Big Three has meant for decades, “GM, Ford and Chrysler”. But with their problems comes the next evolution of that term, particularly when talking about web marketing, SEO and SEM.
The Big Three in the internet marketing world is Facebook, Google and YouTube. Make it big with these three media giants and you will make it big in business. Let’s be real. Facebook is social media, Google is how you find almost anything and YouTube is the new TV. Hopefully you are gearing your mind-set, your marketing budget and how you interface with the world’s newest Big Three.
Tags: big three, chrysler, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, facebook, ford, gm, google, internet, internet marketing, marketing, marketing budget, mind set, sem, SEO, social media, tv, twitter, youtube
I know what most are thinking right now, “A blog is not a web site.”
Yes it is. In fact, for small businesses and entrepreneurs a blog really is the most ideal format in which to have your web site. But more than that, a bog as your web site puts you in control of the most important battle in web marketing: Generating original and relevant content.
Tags: blog, blogger, blogging, business, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, entrepeneurs, facebook, marketing, pr, search engines, SEO, small business, social media, web site, wordpress, wordpress.org
Recently Facebook has changed the phrase “become a fan” to the single word, “like”. While this is not their only change, a comment must be made on their choice of words. Welcome to the world of semantics, or is said in the world of marketing, “hot buttons”.
Tags: become a fan, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, facebook, fan, hot butttons, like, like button, marketing, semantics
Without question the most requested information is how Google Adwords actually works.
Ah, if it was just that easy.
There is no question that your product or service can reach new, higher realms of sales and profits through intelligent use of Google Adwords. And on the other hand, you can lose a lot of money with very little ROI with mishandling it. The reason for this is that most people throw good money at bad marketing. They simply do not do their homework and thus lose money.
Tags: adwords, Ed Dearborn, Edwin Dearborn, google, marketing, roi, video, youtube
Before I knew better, I was sure that many “experts” understood how SEO worked. The word was thrown around so much, that I literally started to feel that I was the only guy in the room who was left behind, stupid and left to rot in SEO hell.
Tags: business, david meerman scott, google, marketing, on line secrets, SEO, seo expert, seo guru
I just found an amazing resource for Chiropractors to be more educated on how to market their practices. As any Chiropractor will tell you, it is important to have great word of mouth to build more and more referrals. But the question is how?
While most Chiropractors are excellent doctors, so few have the time to learn how to market their practice correctly so as to gain more new patients. While McIntosh Marketing has worked with many doctors for years, here is a link to some educational materials that could help Chiropractors market their practice even better.
Tags: chiropractor, marketing, new patients, practice marketing, referrals, word of mouth
McIntosh Marketing, a leading website marketing consultancy, announced today the launch of its new local Internet advertising site at http://www.McIntoshMarketing.com. This website provides ideas and strategies on the freshest ways for companies to create higher profits and traffic from their online presence.
Stanton, California, March 29th, 2010 – McIntosh Marketing, a leading online marketing company, announced today that they have launched their new local Internet advertising consulting website at http://www.McIntoshMarketing.com.
Tags: affiliate marketing, internet marketing, live marketing website, local advertising online, local Internet advertising for businesses, marketing, mcintosh marketing, need web marketing, new media, online marketing, online website marketing, pay-per-click management, search engine optimization