If you follow the latest online buzz, you might have read here and there rumors about Google Me, whi
ch is supposed to be Google’s answer to Facebook. Facebook being the only giant able to compete with the leading search engine — a couple months ago, for the first time Facebook passed Google in terms of visitors — it isn’t surprising that Google might want to take a bite out of the social market. Of course, nothing is sure yet, but every day somebody seems to come out from the bushes to confirm this is true.
Tags: facebook marketing, google me, social marketing, social media, social media marketing, web 2.0 marketing
Over the last few years I have been asked for my marketing glossary several times. Truth is, I don’t really have one. I do have notes with definitions here and there but have never actually put them all in one place. In fact, when I try to explain these marketing terms to someone, it seems to me that most of the time they think these terms don’t really exist! It could be due to many of them sounding very similar to each other but trust me they have very different meanings. I really felt the following keywords should be listed as they tend to be used most often and more commonly but for the full list with detailed definitions go to http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/
Tags: advertising, affiliate marketing, blog, blogging, blogs, business, internet, internet marketing, local online marketing, marketing, online marketing, online website marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, small business, social bookmarking, social media, social networking, web marketing
As a fan of social media, I’ve always tested out the new social networks, new web 2.0 apps, any equipment or software that would put me in better and faster communication with the world.
I used the Flock browser for a while a few years ago, and liked the way I could blog directly from the browser and drag my flickr photos straight into my blog posts. Plus I had a friend who worked at Flock, so that always made it cool to use their browser, wear my Flockstar tshirt, etc.
Tags: browsers, flock, social media, social networking
Recessions and tough times are good for marketing opportunities. But unfortunately most business professionals, entrepreneurs and even marketing experts have a counter-intuitive reaction to this statement. You know the old saying, “Buy low, sell high.” There is a corollary to this adage in marketing: “Economy soft, market hard.”
Tags: Edwin Dearborn, marketing, marketing expense, marketing investment, online marketing, social media
McIntosh Marketing’s Chief Brand Officer, Edwin Dearborn, has authored a new white paper titled, Using Social Media to Effectively Market Your Brand, Developing A Common Sense Plan. It is being broadly issued for its first time. Here is the link: SEO White Paper
This white paper details how to develop a common sense plan for any business on how to use social media to effectively develop a powerful presence on the web. This white paper also provides key web marketing tips that any business can utilize and implement to become more comprehensive, effective and thus more profitable through internet marketing tools.
Tags: Edwin Dearborn, internet marketing tools, social media, strategy, web marketing, white paper
Facebook is now generating more user traffic than Google. YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the internet. 80% of companies use LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees. A US Department of Education study revealed that on average, online students out performed those receiving face-to-face instruction. Generation Y and Z consider e-mail passé. In fact, In 2009 Boston College stopped distributing e-mail addresses to incoming freshmen.
- There are over 200 million Blogs
Tags: b2b, b2b marketing, Edwin Dearborn, social media
The world of social media can be so daunting that the task to get motivated and to persist in the first 6 months to a year is the most challenging task for the neophyte. One could comment here on tactics, but the skills of the “How To” in social media will take time to learn, develop and to perfect. I take that back. To be excellent, you will always be learning, if you want to stay ahead, and even then perfection is never truly reached. Social media marketing, like life itself, is a journey, not a destination.
Tags: Edwin Dearborn, get motivated, motivated, social media, using social media
Jerry Brown and social media are both getting older and wiser. Let the games begin.
The latest is “What has Jerry Brown done to you?”
A whole new generation of Gen X, Y and Z may not be old enough to appreciate the brand called “Jerry Brown”, but a group of Republicans are now raging the political war to oust any ability for Jerry Brown to redefine the facts as Jerry would like us to remember or understand.
Tags: bp, jerry brown, republican, social media
Although I have had the pleasure to read many helpful books on marketing, this is my first book review on our company blog. And I am quite happy to announce that I had a great time reading Halligan & Shah’s newest book entitled, Inbound Marketing: Get Found using Google, Social Media and Blogs. The foreward was written by internet marketing author David Meerman Scott, so I knew that I was in for a treat.
Tags: b2b, b2b marketing, blogs, Book Review, Edwin Dearborn, google, hubspot, inbound marketing, marketing, social media
McIntosh Marketing has now initiated a marketing group for CPA’s on LinkedIn.
CPA’s and accountants have traditionally been lax in their online marketing efforts. McIntosh Marketing is taking efforts to educate the financial field, and their related industries, on how to attract more high-end clients through an effective educational format via their blog and an established social media program.
Tags: accountant marketing, blog, linkedin, marketing, social media